English Language and Literature
Did you know that the skills you gain through studying English at IBU are highly marketable? Think of international business, government and NGOs; you can work as a digital copywriter, editor, editorial assistant, talent agent, marketer, interpreter, translator, web content manager, English language teacher and much more.

Bachelor degree
Our marketable and up-to-date undergraduate program curriculum is a combination of linguistic, sociological, philosophical, cultural, psychological, scientific and literary approaches to a variety of general and specific subject areas featuring applied linguistics, TESOL, translation studies, second language acquisition as well as other useful approaches.
Master program
The program is open to all individuals who share passion for learning and exploring languages and who wish to specialise in the area of language education, linguistics or literature. Moreover, it aims to professionally empower master students through their active involvement in academic seminars, workshops, symposiums, conferences and scholarly publications. Should you wish to study language in depth and understand how it interacts with the world around you, click here for more info.

PhD program
Our PhD program aims to train our students to be independent, acknowledged and professional experts in the field of English language and literature able to conduct research in diverse fields independently within different strands, namely theoretical linguistics, applied linguistics and literature. It teaches you how to interpret, evaluate and provide a careful explanation of different texts within their specific historical and cultural contexts as well as how to deploy ideas from diverse works in the field of critical theory in your own reading and writing. Get in touch and learn more about our program.