Digital Communication and Public Relations

Love to study in media labs and production studios with cutting-edge technology? Want to master the potential of social media and its influence on brand communications? If this is you, then you are up for more exciting news: you will create social media content that influences different audiences and achieves set targets. Need we say that you will get immersed in one of the fastest growing communications areas with great career opportunities?

Bachelor degree
Work either as a journalist, PR officer, consultant or a competent manager, or simply work on your own as a highly successful influencer in the field of digital communications and public relations.
From blog posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, you will learn how to professionally engage your target groups present on these platforms. You will also learn how to create super engaging content that is relevant to different audiences. And yes, your public-speaking confidence will shoot through the roof.
The four-year program in Digital Communications and Public Relations leads to a bachelor’s degree. It integrates media, journalism, communication and public relations studies in a digital environment as well as practical in-house training in these disciplines. The program offers a variety of elective courses in the fields of digital communication, practical journalism, media production and public relations. Talk to us for more details.