As the preeminent entrepreneurial university in Bosnia and Herzegovina, International BURCH University (IBU) is dedicated to teaching excellence and high student satisfaction, personalised mentoring and practical research leading up to superior student employment outcomes and lasting community impact.

British-owned, young, agile and accredited by top accreditation bodies both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the United Kingdom, International BURCH University is the first choice for all students passionate about real-world solutions, market-driven thinking and personal success.
Below is more details on what’s important to us and how we operate. We understand the accreditation matter is of particular importance to students in Bosnia and Herzegovina and have dedicated a section to reassure you that you are absolutely at the right place both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. It’s a bit longer read but we are certain you’ll enjoy it. Should you have any questions please speak with our team now and get the answers you need.

University accreditation is an activity initiated by an institution and executed by authorised and independent accreditation agencies. State accreditation of a higher education institution is mandatory and universities can also opt for international accreditation to work on improving quality and reputation building. The accreditation process requires rigorous self-evaluation and an independent and objective assessment of the overall quality of education ensuring that higher education institutions meet set standards and are trained to deliver students programs they offer. Accreditation emphasises quality assurance and commitment to continuous quality improvement.
Accreditation by authorised agencies confirms to parents, students, higher education institutions, employers as well as other parties involved that students obtained their diploma at a higher education institution focused on continuous improvement and quality standards in teaching, learning and research. Accreditation provides students with a chance to have their ECTS credits recognised at other accredited higher education institutions should they decide to continue their education within the European Higher Education Area, and beyond. Employers, as well as state institutions participating in the employment process, prefer candidates who acquired their degree at accredited higher education institutions.
Obtaining three accreditations during the 2019/2020 academic year, International Burch University confirmed its clear commitment to quality assurance figuring as the preeminent entrepreneurial university in Bosnia and Herzegovina. International Burch University is accredited by the following domestic and international accreditation agencies:
Institutional State Accreditation (BH)
In the academic year 2019/2020 International Burch University underwent an external evaluation carried out by a commission of experts appointed by the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Commission analysed the fulfillment of the criteria at the International Buch University and provided a recommendation on accreditation to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Sarajevo Canton (MONKS). International Burch University met all ten criteria analysed during the accreditation process, nine of which were fully met and one significantly, making it one of the top rated universities in our country.
After the MONKS issued the decision on accreditation (No. 11/05-38-4146-8/19 of 20th January 2020), the decision on entry into the state register of accredited higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina was adopted at the session of the Commission for evaluation and compliance with the decision on Accreditation of HEIs made by the Director of the Agency for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance on the entry of the International Burch University into the state register of accredited HEIs in BH. For more information on accreditation please see www.hea.gov.ba
British Accreditation Council – BAC (UK)
For more than 30 years, BAC has been the responsible agency for setting standards in the independent higher education sector and its accreditation has been granted to hundreds of universities both in the UK and around the world. BAC helps students, parents, agencies and all other stakeholders around the world to recognise quality education. BAC accreditation is a guarantee of high standards and confirmation that a higher education institution provides quality education.
The British Accreditation Council (BAC), a full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), and the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) has awarded accreditation to the International Burch university on the basis of quality management and teaching. This is the guarantee that the International Burch University provides continuous student development as well as the infrastructure and resources permanently available at this higher education institution. For more information on accreditation please see www.the-bac.org
Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges & Universities – ASIC (UK)
ASIC, as an international accreditation body, accredits many institutions around the world, including Asia, America, Australia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and beyond. ASIC is also an associate member of ENQA (European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education), and a member of EDEN (European Network for Distance Learning and E-Learning). In the UK, it is recognised by the UKVI as a member of the International CHEA Quality Group in the US as well as the British Quality Foundation (BQF).
The International Burch University obtained premier ASIC status with particular praise for its work. ASIC rated International Burch University as a high quality institution, ready to provide, in all of its segments, only the best to its students. ASIC international accreditation enables students to obtain a realistic picture of the university in terms of quality, resources, student support and ethics. For more information on accreditation please see www.asicuk.com
Achieving excellence in education, research & development, and Innovation & Entrepreneurship through continuous mentoring, and through academic and life orientation.
The mission of the International BURCH University is to support education, scientific research and training off highly qualified personnel to work in academic and professional areas through the development of contemporary curricula and creation of an environment to trigger creative, objective and critical thinking and continuous learning. Through its public activities, joint projects and collaboration with private and public sector institutions as well as with international institutions, the University aims to improve the community and contribute to addressing local and global challenges. An important aspect of all activities is a friendly academic environment that encourages each student to take a leading role in reaching their personal and intellectual potential.
Board of Trustees
A Board of Trustees is the highest authority within the organisational and management structure of the University. The Board consists of seven members, three of them appointed by the founder (Richmond Park Education), and four members elected by the Senate of the International Burch University. Board's chairman, Mr. Timothy Donald Fisher, is appointed upon the founder's proposal among the representatives of Richmond Park Education.
The Board members' mandate is limited to four years. The same person may be re-elected to the Board upon the expiration of the mandate. Members of the Senate, the rector, vice-rectors and heads of organisational units cannot be members of the Board.
Board Members
Name and Surname | Position |
Timothy Fisher | Chair |
Mehmet Kolukisa | Member |
Victor Datsyuk | Member |
Bawan Pshdary | Member |
Armin Bečić | Member |
Emina Zejnilović | Member |
Sanel Halilbegović | Member |
Admir Salihagić | Member |
Mensur Zoletić | Member |